Friday, April 30, 2010

Moving out...

So yesterday I officially moved out of my home. My mom moved up north to get out of an abusive relationship, and I was left here to fend for myself. At first I was mad at her, I thought she was selfish and didn't even care about me. But when I step back and think about it I was the selfish one. The only reason she stayed for as long as she did because I wanted her to. She is much much happier now and I'm happy for her no matter where I'm staying or how stressed out I am she's out of that mess and I'm proud of her.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Things do not change; we change." This is my favorite transcendental quote because it's the truth. People always talk about how in your senior year you more than likely won't have the same group of friends you had in your freshman year. And it's the trust. I myself transfered schools my junior year and barely talk to any of my friends from my previous school. Everyone changes whether you choose to accept it. Many people say they haven't changed but people mature and grow up, or don't grow up. Either way no is ever the same person they were the day before.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Feel Free...

I feel like my blog shouldn't be licensed because I don't think that many people read my blog to be honest. If I was some well known person and everyone read my blog then yeah I would say it should be but the only people that really read my blog are the people in my class and it's only when they have to.
Also there is nothing on my blog that is worth "stealing." My blog is not that important and I really don't think anyone would want to take something like my glog or my dreamboard. So no there is no reason for my blog to be licensed.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This is my digital dreamboard. tada!

Spring Break 2010!

So every year my spring break sucks. I sit at home and watch TV with my mom or we go shopping but it's pretty much the most boring vacation. This year there wasn't much different. The first couple of days I sat at home and babysat my sister. I think the most exciting thing that happened to me was that I went to Madeira beach and St. Pete beach and I had never been to either.
My Easter was kind of lame too. I went to my friends grandparents house, went back to my friends house and fell asleep. I guess when you're not 5 and the best part of your Easter is Aunt Pam's corn casserole your bound to be bored out of your mind. All in all my spring break was more relaxing than anything, I didn't do much but hang around my house which is nice every once in a while.