Monday, October 19, 2009

Lord of the Flies Reflections

I kind of like our project. I wish we could have finished it earlier but for the most part I'm happy with it. Our projects are due today and we are not prepared so we have to wait until Wednesday to present it because Garrett is not here. The only problems we had with our project was finishing everything and recording it on time, Which unfortunately did not happen. I actually wasn't really a big fan of LOTF, but before we read it I had always heard about it and wanted to know what it was about. the only thing I would have done differently is pushing to finish it so we could show it today.


Anonymous said...

Your project went really well, despite lack of audio it still showed all the hard work you put into it. I really enjoyed it.

Rell said...

I know what you mean. Being prepared is probably the most important part of the project. If you work hard at it it should all be alright.