Thursday, February 25, 2010

Life of Pi

From Life of Pi I learned that hyena's are extremely vicious. I also learned that if you are stranded in a boat it's not a good idea to drink your pee. And you can eat turtles which I did not know you could do. Also in Life of Pi I learned a lot about different religions and how people see things differently than I do.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Click it or Ticket.

To be honest I think this video is really cheesy. The first video we watched though was more graphic and almost scary. The first video makes me want to not text while I'm driving more than this one makes me want to wear my seatbelt. The video we watched about texting in my opinion was more of an eye opener because it showed the damage that could happen and it was much more believable.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Etherpad collaboration.

Name 30 things you would never do
Corey and Anndria

1.Mess with a tiger
2.Eat a cow stomach
3.Drive drunk
4.Be on the Real World
5.Hate someone for their race, age or sexuality
6.Text while driving
7.Jump off a building for fun
8.Sell my own organs
9.Go near a cockroach
10. Own a pet spider
11.Smoke cigarettes
12.Kill someone
13.Listen to the red hot chili peppers
14.Beat my spouse
15.Beat my children
16.Punch someone bigger than me in the face
17.Wear a scarf
18.Lick a frozen pole
19.Play on train tracks
20.Be on Fear Factor
21.Do crack
22.Cheat on someone
23.Lie about being in love
24.Kick myself in the head
25.Fight someone (not in self defence)
26.Put a foriegn object in my nose
27.Dress in drag
28.Undress infront of strangers
29.Not act like myself
30.Have an abortion

So here is a list of a few things I would never do. Some of them are obvious things no one would ever do, But in any case, they are rules I live by each day. For instance, Anndria would never go on the Real World because number one most of the people end up cheating on who they are in a relationship with and number two she feels like it exploits things most people wouldn't want the public eye to see. However, Corey would go on the real world. Being a single male, with no attachments, he feels that it would be a great life-changing expierience.
One thing the both of us would never do is beat our child. Corey is a pacifist to begin with so hitting a child would simply be out of the question. And Anndria was not brought up around violence and was taught to never hit their child or anyone for that matter. Learning from his parents and they way they raised him, Corey feels that violence is not the best approach (but don't take it as if they were abusive).
Corey would never dress in drag. But Anndria dresses in what would be considered drag for Corey everyday. Even though Anndria thinks Corey would be very pretty in drag haha. Corey would be a very pretty girl. Thank you :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Teaching Tips.

Personally I don't believe in telling someone else how to do their job, but for this blog we have to give tips for teaching. I don't know if I have tips necessarily but there are things in the past my teachers have done that I liked.

1. Make things interesting. For instance I'm not a political person, to be honest I hate talking about politics and the economy and this year I had to take economics like almost all seniors. I thought I was going to be bored out of my mind but we did things that made it interesting. We made TV commercials and played a stock game which made that class fun and interesting.

2. Don't be negative. When I was in eighth grade I was part of an unruly class. My teacher at the time decided it was a good idea to tell us that the following year we would be the scum of the earth to upperclassmen.
3. Give students time. In my freshman english class my teacher told my class we had to make 50 notes cards and write a rough draft of a term paper in one night. At the time my school had seven periods a day which means seven other teacher had given me homework as well. There is no way someone can do seven separate assignments in one night when all of them will take a least and hour to complete.

4. Don't expect students to get what your teaching right away. People are all different so all people learn different, therefore, you can explain something and expect everyone to understand.

5. If students aren't comfortable doing something, don't force them. In and english class I've taken the teacher told us we had to write a persuasive essay but first we had to plan. I'm not a planner, if i have to write an essay I just write it I don't plan it out, but she made me plan it anyway.

Friday, February 12, 2010


There once was a couple at school
The boy was somewhat of a tool
But to my surprise
And to his demise
The girl came from an unfortunate gene pool.

Last Valentines day I got a box
And inside was a pair of socks
The present was no good
I'd go back if I could
And give him a pink pair of Kroc's.

P.d.a. is so gross
Too much is a lethal dose
No one wants to see you make-out
If you had any kind doubt
So back up you're standing too close.

I really detest Valentines day
It's sickening in it's own way
It's just once a year
But this much is clear
It would suck if it was everyday.

This Valentine's day is for couples
Either single dates or doubles
If the roses are red
They may jump into bed
Or a hot tub full of bubbles.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

texting and driving.....

Do I text and drive? Absolutly not but that's mainly because I do not drive therefore it's kind of hard for me to do that. However, I have been in a car when someone has been texting multiple times. For me it's kind of unsettling because I really don't feel comfortable being in a car when someone is texting and driving. So sometimes I ask them not to but it all depends on who it is.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


My life altering experience is something I've talked about before. About this time last year my childhood best friend, Rachel, went into the hospital like she did one a month almost every month. She's a very very very sick girl and it was commonplace to see her in a hospital bed. So when her sister called me and told me she was in the hospital and probably wasn't going to make it I thought she was being dramatic, turns out she was serious. I missed three days of school sitting in a hospital in Gainesville thinking that my best friend was about to die. Not many people experience a friend dying before they even turn 18 and I was about to lose the only person who I trusted and relyed on for 9 years of my life.