Wednesday, December 9, 2009


With $100,000 I would buy myself a car, and pay for college. If I did have to donate it to a charity I would donate it to some kind of animal charity or cancer research charity. And if I had money left over I would help out anyone I knew that needed help. But the chances of me winning that much money is highly unlikely.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Things That Bug Me.

There are a couple things that really drive me up the wall. One of those things is my mom's sick obsession with the FarmVille app on Facebook. For some reason my mom made a Facebook which really doesn't bother me but the fact that no matter where we go we're late because she has to tend to her virtual crops. I honestly don't think she understands it's a fake game. She spends all of her time online buying, planting, and harvesting crops. It's a bit ridiculous.
Another thing that gets under my skin is when someone lies right to my face. Someone made up this ludicrous story last year, when I confronted them they denied it. If you've said something admit it and apologize, The end. The consequences of lying are definitely less if you're honest when you're confronted.
And the last thing that I really hate is when someone things they are so so much better than someone else. In cheerleading, everyone competes with everyone. Not a big deal. But when you say that no one cares about being the best like you do, you've just stepped over the line. It happens a lot in competitive cheerleading.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Coat of Arms!

My coat of arms is two colors white, which means peace and sincerity, and green, which means hope, joy, and loyalty in love. on my coat of arms the is a flower, a sun, an anchor, and a dog. the flower means hope and joy, the sun means glory and splendor, fountain of life, the anchor means hope and religious steadfast, and the dog means courage,vigilance,and loyalty. I think my coat of arms represents me and I really like it.

Dear Soldier.

Dear Soldier,
I would like to start by telling you that I greatly appreciate everything you've done. I would never have to courage and determination that you have. My mom was in the army when i was little and I looked up to her so much but as I've gotten older I've realized how strong she was and I could never be away from home. I'm extremely proud of you. I hope your Christmas is as good as can be away from home, and thank you for what your doing.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


What am I thankful for? There are a lot of things. My family for one, I have an amazing family. I can call whenever I need something, they're there for me, they're supportive, and they love me no questions asked. I could definitely say my friends are the same way. They don't care about the small things they just love being together. That's really my favorite art of the holidays, spending time with my mom and my friends.

Friday, November 20, 2009

My Hero.

So I'm supposed to write about a hero in our life, and The first person who popped into my head is Barbara Urban. Barb was my friend Alex's mom. She died of cancer in 2007. She was a good friend of mine and she was an amazing and strong woman. She was my youth group leader for a couple of months before she got really sick. She went into Hospice and died a couple months later. She struggled with her cancer for almost two years and I admire her and look up to her for how strong and positive she was throughout her sickness.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Well, From my I-Movie I didn't really learn much about my artist because I studied him when I was a sophomore. I learned the he moved to China when he was one year old. I also learned about where he went to school but other than that I already knew about him. However, I did learn how to use I-Movie which I didn't know before. I learned how to make movies on I-Movie and I also learned that you can make different transitions just like on powerpoint. And I aslo learned that you can add music but i learned how to do that after I presented mine.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

hard times.

The economy has caused a lot of stress in my family. My mom has been a stay at home mom for four years so we rely heavily on my step-dad's income. He works for a construction company so for the past couple of months he's been home because he doesn't have jobs. He had to go to Nebraska for a month just to do odd jobs for his family because there was nothing here. I've had to get a job but most of my money goes to my mom's gas or for cheerleading. My pay checks are spent before I even get them. And this year i can't even get excited for Christmas because all i can think about is how expensive it's going to be. My mom had a job for about two weeks at a doctors office but they realized they could afford to pay her so now she's back at home. I honestly don't think people our age should have to experience stress to this extent.

Monday, November 9, 2009

And the most evil Macbeth character is....

I would definitely have to say Macbeth. Macbeth is the most evil because number one he killed Duncan, someone who was good to him, and number two he killed his friend Banquo. How could not think he's evil? Lady Macbeth, as we all know, was the person who told Macbeth to kill Duncan so he could become king but he didn't have to listen to her. Plenty of people have told me to do something stupid and I say "yeah, no thanks." And though Lady Macbeth told Macbeth to kill Duncan she never told him to kill Banquo or Fleance. Macbeth made evil decisions on his own. Plus Lady Macbeth didn't commit the murders it was Macbeth!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

30 lines of...

I've been going back and forth in my head trying to figure out what to write about. Since I'm not very original I've tried looking up topics to write about with no avail. So I think I'm going to write about what it's like to almost lose your best friend. It's kind of morbid but it's the only thing i really know a lot about. Rachel, she's been my best friend for almost eleven years and is constantly extremely ill. Last year she got sicker than I've ever seen her and probably than she's ever been. I knew Rachel was always sick so I kind of just pushed it to the back of my mind. I remember the Wednesday that her sister called me after school balling. I couldn't understand her and my first thought was that her boyfriend has broken up with her but that wasn't the case. She was calling me to tell me that Rachel was in Tampa General Hospital being preped to be air lifted to Shands Hospital in Gainesville. That's not even the worst part, Rachel was in a stage 5 comma and I was told there was a high chance she wouldn't make it. I've have never felt so sick in my life. That night we drove to Gainesville despite the fact that I had school the next day and cheerleading practice that night. When we got to the hospital I was told I couldn't even see her unless I was immediate family. Rachel was so bad she had to be into intensive care. So the whole night i stayed up and cried and prayed and begged to see her. At about seven a.m. the next morning they told me then would let me see her. I almost regret going into her room. I didn't realize how bad she was until I was at her bed side talking to her and not getting a response. I left within ten minutes because I couldn't handle different and dead she looked. Rachel's parents told me that because Rachel has a disease called Crones she's constantly in pain and to help her pain she takes Tylenol. Rachel had gotten sick Sunday afternoon and had taken tylenol like she would any other time. Because couldn't hold anything down she didn't eat or drink anything that day but she continued to take the Tylenol. By the end of the day she had taken close to the whole bottle. Her lack of food or drink caused her kidney's to shut down because the Tylenol was never flushed out. Rachel was in line to be put on a donor list but by Thursday morning she was in a stage 3 comma and she ended up coming home the following Sunday. Almost losing Rachel really really changed my life. Before that I took so much for granted. I enjoy my time with her so much more now because everytime I hang out with I think if what it would be like if she hadn't made it through. I try to explain it to people but I honestly think no one understands what it's like unless they experience it for themselves.


When i think of the horrible things Macbeth has or is planning on doing he kind of reminds me of Adolf Hitler, mainly because Hitler caused many people to die and Macbeth is planning on killing more people than just Duncan. Macbeth wants to be king at any cost and Hitler want Jews gone at any cost. Neither one of them has considered the people they've killed. They have both done what they think is necessary to get where they want to be with no consideration of the consequences or the guilt they will feel. Both Hitler and Macbeth were incredibly selfish in the the things they did. Granted, Hitler killed way more people than Macbeth and Hilter's conscience did not get to him like Macbeth's has but the truth of the matter is they are both murderers, and they have both unnecessarily killed people.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Bayshore is a D school.

Personally, I think the whole grading schools is ridiculous. Do I think the D grade is an accurate assessment for the students? For the majority of students, yes. I feel like most of the students at Bayshore don't care about the grades they get, they can just do the credit recovery thing. I think that bogus, if you fail a class take it over. Giving kids an easier way to redo classes with minimal effort isn't helping the fact that some kids just don't try. It's allowing them to not have to try as hard as they should. The teachers try as hard as they can but you can only do so much. Honestly, the way I see it it's just like parents, if parents try to hard to make their kids do something they'll just rebel and it makes the situation worse. So teachers supposed to do. It's the same with administration, the stricter they get the more rebellious the kids get. I really don't know what there is to do because I'm not a principle and I never will be one, but those are just my thoughts.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lord of the Flies Reflections

I kind of like our project. I wish we could have finished it earlier but for the most part I'm happy with it. Our projects are due today and we are not prepared so we have to wait until Wednesday to present it because Garrett is not here. The only problems we had with our project was finishing everything and recording it on time, Which unfortunately did not happen. I actually wasn't really a big fan of LOTF, but before we read it I had always heard about it and wanted to know what it was about. the only thing I would have done differently is pushing to finish it so we could show it today.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What if...

What if my parents never met. If my step-dad and my mom never met I would be a lot happier. If they had never met I also would still be in Manassas, Virginia. I would be a lot closer to the rest of my family and I would probably see them more often. My 3 year old sister would not exist and I would probably be a lot different. My personality would be different, my taste in clothes would be different , and I'm pretty sure my taste in music would be totally different. It would be weird to grow up around my family because we're kind of opposites. I'm extremely pale and listen to Death Cab for Cutie, and my cousins are obviously black and they're favorite singer is solja boy. If my parents never met I would not live in Florida I wouldn't have met my friends and my boyfriend. I don't know if I would Be happier or not but I'm happy now even though my step-dad and I aren't cordial.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oh obstacles.

In my senior year I have been presented with a lot of obstacles and it's only the third month of school. Being told you probably won't be able to graduate is something no one wants to hear, and unfortunately that's what I was told. When someone tells you you can't graduate it's defeating. I didn't even want to come to school anymore, To me there was no point.
As you know I transferred to Bayshore from Cardinal Mooney my junior year. Well, there were problems with my transfer and my transcript were never sent to Bayshore. That means that my freshman and sophomore years of high school did not exist. My mom told me not to worry about it and by June of my senior year everything would be sorted out. June of my senior year would mean that I would graduate without applying for any colleges, therefore not being accepted to any colleges. That was not going to work for me.
Luckily everything has been worked out and I will be graduating in June, and will have applied (and hopefully gotten in) to colleges. I still have obstacles I need to get past, like picking a college and being able to take ACTs and Sats, but for now I dont really have much to worry about. I'm just kind of taking life day by day.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My letter to a freshman.

Let's see, My freshman year seemed like it was just yesterday but i don't really remember much about it. Freshman year isn't really as exciting as everyone says. I'm sure any one you ask will tell you they don't remember much about it. My freshman year I went to school at Cardinal Mooney High School. I was friends with good kids and I was one of the two freshman on varsity cheerleading. In a catholic school you would think no one has sex or does drugs, But whoever came up with that obviously did not go to a catholic school.
My freshman class at Mooney was the most hated class probably in the history of incoming freshman. My class was loaded with girls who wanted to date senior boys and boys who thought smoking weed would make friends. I think the only reason I avoided these decisions was that i had friends that kept me grounded. None of my friends like drinking or partying like the rest of our class, This is why we bonded.
In your freshman year you have to be careful who you associate yourself with and it's is critical to evaluate the people you call friends. My advice would be to join as many clubs and activities as you can. It will seem pointless but in your senior year you will thing it's the best thing you ever did. I'm in my senior year now and I am thanking myself for every little thing I did as a freshman. People will tell you no one looks at what you do your freshman year but trust me the things you get involved in when you're in ninth grade will help you a ton in twelfth grade.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Finally, I'm a senior.

So I'm finally a senior and I feel the same as I did last year, and the year before. Sure, I'm excited to graduate but I don't feel as excited as I should. Everyone around me is burning with anticipation and I'm just kind of going through the motions just like every year before. I think I'm more scared than excited. I don't know why no one is scared to death for college, I am. I'm a creature of habit, I'm not really a big fan of new places.
This year I really just want to get everything done early. I hate doing things last minute and being extremely stressed out, so I'm getting applications and college stuff done early. I have hard decisions to make though. I'm torn between two schools. One has exactly what I need but is way too expensive, and the other is closer to home and it's less expensive, but it doesn't have what I want. Plus I have to worry about ACTs and Sats, who knows how that'll go. So basically this year is making me kind of wish I was still in elementary school so I wouldn't have to worry about anything. All I would have to do is cut and paste and color.
But I am excited to be on my own and finally be in the career I want to do for the rest of my life. I'm excited that people are going to have to start respecting me like an adult and not treat me like a kid anymore. And I'm definitely ready to be out of high school and on the way to the rest of my life.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


So in art we have to do a project. My group chose to do a puppet show. We've planned it out already we just need to make our puppets and write a script. Should be interesting.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009


Hi, welcome to my blog. my name is Anndria, obviously. I don't know much about blogging, I've really only blogged twice. Enjoy.