Monday, October 5, 2009

Finally, I'm a senior.

So I'm finally a senior and I feel the same as I did last year, and the year before. Sure, I'm excited to graduate but I don't feel as excited as I should. Everyone around me is burning with anticipation and I'm just kind of going through the motions just like every year before. I think I'm more scared than excited. I don't know why no one is scared to death for college, I am. I'm a creature of habit, I'm not really a big fan of new places.
This year I really just want to get everything done early. I hate doing things last minute and being extremely stressed out, so I'm getting applications and college stuff done early. I have hard decisions to make though. I'm torn between two schools. One has exactly what I need but is way too expensive, and the other is closer to home and it's less expensive, but it doesn't have what I want. Plus I have to worry about ACTs and Sats, who knows how that'll go. So basically this year is making me kind of wish I was still in elementary school so I wouldn't have to worry about anything. All I would have to do is cut and paste and color.
But I am excited to be on my own and finally be in the career I want to do for the rest of my life. I'm excited that people are going to have to start respecting me like an adult and not treat me like a kid anymore. And I'm definitely ready to be out of high school and on the way to the rest of my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have really awesome goals, Anndria. Good luck deciding on which school to go to, you can always transfer schools if you don't like it.